Enjoyment in a World Full of Negativity

Dear HardyHikers,

Today, we're diving into something deeper than the usual grind talk. I'm not here to flex about my latest gym PR or my intense morning routine. Instead, we're going to talk about something that's been missing from too many lives these days. Real enjoyment.

Look around. What do you see? Stress, depression, anxiety, and desperation are at an all-time high. People are dragging themselves through life, unfulfilled and stuck in a rut. That's not just sad. It's a travesty. It's time to flip the script.

In this post, I'm taking you through the actionable steps that helped me conquer my darkest times. These aren't just feel-good tips. They're battle-tested strategies that can pull you out of the abyss. If they worked for me, they can definitely work for you.


Integrity: The Foundation

It all starts with integrity. Live according to your values. Do what's right. It’s not just about doing what’s right for you, but also what’s best for your family and maybe even society. Integrity is the cornerstone of a fulfilled life. You think you can enjoy life while betraying your values? Think again.

Living a virtuous life means making decisions that align with your core principles. It’s about waking up every day and striving to be the best version of yourself. It’s about setting an example for those around you. When you know you’re doing the right thing, you walk taller, speak with conviction, and, most importantly, you sleep peacefully at night.

Imagine you’re faced with a choice. One path is easy, filled with shortcuts and compromises. The other path is hard, demanding discipline and sacrifice. Most people take the easy route. They cut corners, make excuses, and end up living mediocre lives filled with regret. But you’re not most people. You’re here to crush it.

Choosing the virtuous path, even when it’s tough, brings a sense of pride and fulfillment that shortcuts never will. It’s about playing the long game. It’s about knowing that every decision you make is building a legacy of integrity. You can't put a price on that.

When you live with integrity, your family looks up to you, your friends respect you, and even society starts to notice. This ripple effect of positive influence is powerful. It creates a sense of belonging and purpose. You’re not just living for yourself. You’re contributing to something bigger.

How do you start living virtuously? Here are some actionable steps

Know Your Values

Sit down and define what truly matters to you. Family, honesty, hard work. Whatever it is, make sure it’s clear in your mind. A good question to ask is "Is what I'm doing for the best for me and my family?"

Make Tough Decisions

Stop taking the easy way out. When faced with a tough choice, ask yourself, “What’s the right thing to do?” Then do it, no matter how hard it is.

Hold Yourself Accountable

No more excuses. If you mess up, own it. Learn from it and move on. Integrity means being honest, especially with yourself.

Lead by Example

Be a person you can be proud of. Show your family, friends, and colleagues what it means to live with integrity. Your actions will inspire them to do the same.

Stay Consistent

Integrity isn’t a one-time thing. It’s a daily commitment. Keep pushing, keep striving, and never settle for less than what’s right.

Living virtuously is the foundation of true enjoyment. It’s about knowing that, every single day, you’re doing what’s best for yourself, your family, and society. When you align your life with your values, you create a sense of fulfillment that’s unbeatable. Stop settling for mediocrity. Start living with integrity.


Cultivate Stillness: Master Your Mind

Now, let’s talk about the chaos. Life throws curveballs, and it’s easy to get swept up in the madness. Stress, anger, anxiety, they can all dominate your mind if you let them. But here’s the deal. You control your mind, not the other way around. You learn to control your thoughts and emotions by cultivating stillness.

Stoic philosophy teaches us the power of a still mind. It’s about seeing the storm but standing calm at the center. When you master your mind, you turn chaos into clarity. You become unshakeable. And let’s be real, who doesn’t want that kind of power?

Stillness starts with perspective. You need to recognize that your thoughts and emotions are just that, thoughts and emotions. They don’t define you. You decide how to interpret them and how to act on them. This isn’t about suppressing your feelings. It’s about understanding them and choosing your response.

Imagine you’re in a high-pressure situation. Your heart’s racing, your mind’s spinning. Most people panic, make rash decisions, and end up regretting it. But not you. You’ve cultivated stillness. You take a step back, breathe, and assess the situation with a clear head. You make decisions based on logic, not fear. This is how you stay ahead of the game.

Here’s how you can start cultivating stillness

Observe Your Thoughts

When emotions flare up, don’t react immediately. Take a moment to observe what you’re feeling. Ask yourself why you’re feeling this way and whether it’s worth the reaction.

Control Your Response

Remember, you choose how to respond. Don’t let emotions dictate your actions. Decide on the best course of action based on your values and goals.

Practice Gratitude

This isn’t about being all mushy. It’s about grounding yourself. When chaos hits, remind yourself of what’s going right. This shifts your focus and helps you stay calm.

Eliminate Distractions

Cut out the noise. Social media, pointless drama, negativity, get rid of them. Focus on what matters. A cluttered mind can’t be still.

Set Boundaries

Protect your mental space. Say no to things that drain you. Prioritize activities and people that uplift you. This keeps your mind clear and focused.

When you cultivate stillness, you gain control over your life. You’re not a puppet to your emotions, you’re the master. This level of mental discipline not only brings clarity but also a profound sense of peace. And with peace comes enjoyment. You can truly appreciate life when you’re not constantly battling inner turmoil.

Stop letting the chaos win. Take back control. Your mind is your greatest weapon. Sharpen it, and use it to carve out a life filled with enjoyment. The world might be full of negativity, but you don’t have to be. Rise above, stay still, and dominate your life.


Have an Aim: Pursue Goals

Drifting through life without a clear aim is a surefire way to end up miserable. Dr. Jordan B. Peterson nails it when he says that having an aim changes the relevance of the world. Goals give your life direction, purpose, and the fuel to keep pushing forward. The higher the aim, the more positive the emotion. It’s as simple as that. You want to be happy? You need to be chasing something meaningful.

Having a goal isn't just about achieving something. It's about the journey, the growth, and the transformation that happens along the way. When you have a purpose, you wake up with a fire in your belly. You’re not just going through the motions. You’re living with intention. And that’s where true enjoyment comes from.

Here are some powerful aims you can pursue


Hit the gym, run a marathon, or master a new sport. Physical fitness is not just about looking good. It’s about feeling strong, confident, and alive. The discipline you build in the gym translates to every other area of your life.


Start a side hustle, launch a startup, or climb the corporate ladder. Financial independence and career success give you freedom and the ability to make a real impact. Plus, there’s no thrill like seeing your hard work pay off.


Aim for financial stability, invest wisely, or build wealth. Money isn't everything, but it gives you options. It allows you to live life on your terms, support your family, and contribute to causes you care about.


Cultivate deep, meaningful connections with family, friends, and partners. Strong relationships provide support, joy, and a sense of belonging. In the end good relationships is what makes life worth living

Political or Social Impact

Get involved in your community, advocate for change, or run for office. Making a difference in the world gives your life a higher purpose and a sense of accomplishment that’s hard to beat.

Having an aim doesn’t mean you won’t face setbacks. You will. But that’s part of the process. Each challenge is an opportunity to learn, grow, and get stronger. When you have a clear goal, you see obstacles for what they are, temporary hurdles, not permanent roadblocks.

Decide what you want out of life and go after it with everything you've got. Set big, audacious goals that scare and excite you. The pursuit itself will fill your life with passion and energy. And when you finally achieve your aims, the sense of accomplishment and joy will be unmatched.

Having an aim is the secret weapon to unlocking true enjoyment in life. It’s about living with purpose, striving for greatness, and never settling for mediocrity. You’re capable of more than you know. Set your aim high, and watch as your life transforms into something extraordinary.


Flow State: The Ultimate Experience

The Flow State is that sweet spot where everything just clicks. Ever been so engrossed in a task that time seemed to disappear? That my friends, is the flow state. Coined by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (try to pronounce that correctly), the flow state is the ultimate experience of true enjoyment. It's where peak performance and pure bliss collide.

Imagine you’re working on something you’re passionate about. Every move you make feels effortless. You’re fully immersed, completely focused, and your skills are perfectly matched to the challenge at hand. That’s the flow state. It’s not just working hard. It’s working with such intensity and enjoyment that it feels almost like play.

So how do you tap into this magical state? It’s all about having an aim. When you have clear goals you’re actively pursuing, you set yourself up to experience the flow state constantly. Your mind and body align, pushing you to perform at your best while enjoying every second of it.

Mihaly breaks it down in his book "Flow". To get into the flow state, you need:

Clear Goals

Know exactly what you’re working towards. Whether it’s smashing a fitness milestone, crushing a business target, or mastering a new skill, clear goals give you direction and purpose.

Immediate Feedback

Keep track of your progress. Whether it's personal records in the gym, sales numbers in business, or feedback from a mentor, knowing how you’re doing helps you stay on track and adjust as needed.

Balanced Challenge and Skill

The task at hand needs to be challenging enough to keep you engaged but not so difficult that it becomes frustrating. It’s about finding that sweet spot where your skills are stretched but not overwhelmed

Total Focus

Eliminate distractions. When you’re in the zone, nothing else matters. Turn off the noise, ignore the drama, and immerse yourself fully in what you’re doing

Passion and Interest

You’ve got to love what you’re doing. Flow happens when you’re passionate about the task, when it excites and motivates you. This is where having a meaningful aim comes into play. Your goals should ignite that inner fire.

When you’re actively pursuing meaningful goals, you’ll find yourself slipping into the flow state more often. You’re not just working, you’re thriving. You’re not just living, you’re truly enjoying life. This is where real fulfillment comes from. That perfect blend of challenge, skill, and passion.

Athletes in the middle of a game, artists creating masterpieces, entrepreneurs building empires, they all experience flow. They’re in the zone, fully engaged, and loving every moment. This isn’t just reserved for the elite. You can experience it too.

Set your aims high, chase your goals with everything you've got, and watch as you start hitting that flow state more and more. This is where true enjoyment lies. It’s about pushing yourself, growing, and achieving, all while being completely absorbed in the process.


Conquer the Chaos: Carve Out Your Place in the World

Alright, let’s bring it all home. The world is full of chaos and negativity. Stress, anxiety, and unfulfilled lives are the norm. But you’re not here to be normal. You’re here to conquer, to rise above the mediocrity, and carve out your place in this world.

First, live virtuously. Align your actions with your values and build a life of integrity. This isn’t just about doing the right thing. It’s about living with purpose and leaving a legacy you can be proud of. When you operate from a place of integrity, you build a foundation of trust and respect that enhances every aspect of your life.

Next, cultivate stillness. Master your mind and control your emotions. Life will throw challenges your way, but with a still mind, you can navigate through the chaos with clarity and strength. Don’t let external circumstances dictate your inner peace. Be the calm in the storm, and you’ll find true enjoyment in even the toughest times.

Then, have an aim. Set high goals that push you to be your best. Whether it’s fitness, business, relationships, or personal growth, having a clear direction gives your life meaning and momentum. Aim high and chase those goals relentlessly. The pursuit itself will bring you fulfillment and joy.

Finally, enjoy the flow state. When you’re pursuing meaningful goals, you’ll find yourself in the zone, fully engaged and loving every moment. This is the pinnacle of true enjoyment, working hard, achieving, and thriving in the process.

Living a life of true enjoyment isn’t about avoiding difficulties or seeking constant pleasure. It’s about embracing challenges, pushing your limits, and finding fulfillment in your journey. Conquer the chaos of the world by mastering yourself. Live with integrity, cultivate stillness, set ambitious goals, and dive into the flow state.

This is your life. Own it. Dominate it. And live it to the fullest. Don’t settle for mediocrity. Strive for greatness, and you’ll find true enjoyment along the way. Get out there, take control, and carve out your place in the world. The life you want is yours for the taking. Make it happen.
