This Too Shall Pass

Dear HardyHikers, 

“This too shall pass.” You’ve heard it a million times, right? That cliché everyone throws at you when things fall apart. But there is truth in the saying. After all nothing in life is permanent. Not your struggles, not your triumphs. The only constant? Change. And it’s time to face that head-on.

Let’s cut the fluff. Life is a battlefield, and we’re all soldiers. Some days you’re on top of the world, and other days you’re flat on your back. That’s just how it goes. The tough times don’t last, but neither do the highs. They’re just moments.

I know you're tired, frustrated, maybe even ready to throw in the towel. But quitting? That’s not an option. Champions aren’t made lounging in comfort zones. They’re forged in the fires of adversity. Andrew Tate would tell you to toughen up and face your fears. Jordan Peterson would remind you to find meaning in your suffering. And Dan Pena? He’d probably shout at you to stop complaining and start taking action.

Why am I telling you this? Because you need to see that every challenge is a stepping stone, not a roadblock. The pain, the frustration, the seemingly impossible obstacles – they’re all part of the journey. And they will pass. Just like the calm after a storm, brighter days are ahead. But you’ve got to be relentless. Push through the pain, embrace the struggle, and keep your eyes on the goal.

“This too shall pass” isn’t just some feel-good phrase. It’s a reminder of your strength, your resilience. Stand up, dust yourself off, and get back in the fight. Change is inevitable, but victory is a choice. Choose to be the victor, not the victim. Show the world that no matter what comes your way, you’re ready to conquer it.


The Impermanence of Emotions

Emotions are kinda like the weather. One minute you’re basking in the sunshine, the next you’re drenched in a downpour. And just like a storm inevitably goes over, your emotions too will pass. That overwhelming sadness, that searing anger, that euphoric joy, they’re all temporary. You’ve got to master the art of riding out the emotional waves without letting them drown you.

You see, your emotions don’t define you. They’re transient. They come and go. But too many of you are letting these fleeting feelings dictate your actions, your mindset, and ultimately, your life. Get a grip. Embrace the chaos, feel it, but don’t get consumed by it. Recognize that this, too, shall pass. It always does. It’s not about ignoring your emotions, it’s about understanding their impermanence. This awareness gives you power. The power to act rationally in the face of emotional turmoil. The power to stay grounded when everything feels like it's falling apart.



Lessons From Nature

Look around you. The world is in a constant state of flux. Seasons change, storms come and go, the tide rises and falls. Everything in nature is a testament to the inevitability of change. And guess what? You’re no different. Your life is subject to the same natural laws. Those tough times you’re going through? They’re just like the winter. Cold, harsh and seemingly endless. But winter always gives way to spring. 

The storms in your life will eventually pass, and the sun will shine again. That’s a fact.

Trees shed their leaves in the fall, look dead in the winter, but come back to life in the spring. They don’t cling to their leaves, they don’t resist the change. They adapt. They endure. And they thrive. You need to do the same. Embrace the changes, the challenges, the pain. Because on the other side of that struggle is growth, strength, and a new beginning.

Take this wisdom to heart. The next time you’re in the thick of it, remember nature’s resilience. Be like the tree that stands firm in the storm, knowing it won’t last forever. Be like the river that flows around obstacles, finding a way forward no matter what. You are capable of incredible resilience. But you’ve got to believe it. You’ve got to internalize it. And most importantly, you’ve got to act on it.


Overcoming Adversity

I’ve faced my share of adversity, and it wasn’t a walk in the park. But every challenge I faced made me tougher, sharper, and more resilient. Here’s a story to hammer this home.

A few years back, I was on the brink. It felt like life was throwing everything at me. Financial setbacks, personal losses, marriage difficulties, the feeling of losing myself, you name it. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of problems. This was when I heard someone tell a story about a king who received a ring that stated “this too shall pass.” It was a reminder to the king that nothing is permanent. Neither the good times nor the bad will last. He as king should prepare accordingly. It was a form of an ultimate truth. No matter what life throws at you, it shall pass, if you can endure long enough. 

So I kept grinding. I kept pushing forward. There were days when it felt like the darkness would never end, but I knew deep down that I had to keep moving. Giving up wasn’t an option. Eventually, things did change. The tide turned, things got better, and I emerged stronger, wiser, and more determined than ever. That’s the power of resilience and the understanding that nothing is permanent.

Look, if my story doesn’t cut it for you, let’s talk about someone who embodies the spirit of “this too shall pass.” J.K. Rowling. The billionaire author of the Harry Potter series. She was a single mother on welfare, battling depression, and getting rejection letter after rejection letter from publishers. She could have thrown in the towel, but she didn’t. She kept going, kept believing, and eventually, her persistence paid off. Her story isn’t just about achieving success. It’s a story about enduring the rough times with the knowledge that they wouldn’t last forever.

Or take Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Before he became the global icon we know today, he was cut from the Canadian Football League, and left with just seven bucks in his pocket. He could have let that defeat define him. But instead, he took that failure and used it as fuel. He worked harder, stayed focused, and believed that his situation was temporary. Look where he is now. That’s not luck. That’s the relentless drive and the unwavering belief that tough times don’t last, but tough people do.

These stories aren’t fairy tales. They’re real-life examples of how understanding the impermanence of our struggles can push us to keep fighting. When you’re down, remember these stories. Remember that countless others have faced insurmountable odds and came out on top. They didn’t do it because they were special. They did it because they refused to let temporary setbacks dictate their lives. They embraced the mantra “this too shall pass” and used it to fuel their journey.

The next time you’re staring down a seemingly impossible challenge, remember that you’re in good company. You’re not alone in this fight. Take a page from the playbook of those who’ve been there and come out victorious. Stand tall, dig deep, and keep pushing forward. Your current struggle is just a chapter in your story, not the whole book.


The Power of Perspective: Shifting Your Mindset to Overcome Adversity

Life's gonna throw you some curveballs, and when it does, you've got two choices. You can let it break you, or you can use it as an opportunity to level up. And as I stated in the introduction, I'm not here to sugarcoat it. Life's tough, and sometimes it feels like the whole world is against you. But how you deal with it all comes down to your perspective.

You see, when life gets tough, it's easy to get caught up in the drama, to get bogged down in the weeds of negativity and self-pity. But that's exactly what the universe wants you to do. It wants you to get stuck in the quicksand of your own emotions, to get lost in the swamp of your own fears and doubts. But I'm here to tell you that's not the way to live. You've got to rise above the noise. You've got to shift your perspective and see the world for what it really is. A temporary, fleeting moment in the grand scheme of things.

So, how do you do it? How do you shift your perspective and build your mindset? It's all about reframing your thinking, about changing your perspective and focusing on the present moment. It's about recognizing that everything that's happening in your life right now is temporary, that it's all just a blip on the radar of existence.

And let me tell you, it's not easy. It takes work. It takes discipline. It takes a willingness to confront your fears and doubts head-on. But it's worth it. Because when you shift your perspective, when you change your mindset, you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish. You'll be amazed at the strength and resilience you possess.

Don't get caught up in the drama. Don't get bogged down in the weeds of negativity. Rise above it. Shift your perspective. Focus on the present moment. And remember, no matter what life throws your way, it's all just temporary. This too shall pass.
